Weight Watchers: 1972 to Now

From a 10 year anniversary to its first ever global marketing campaign, Weight Watchers is making strides with backing from celebrities other than Oprah. The 1972 Ad: An Anniversary Copy Content Like a lot of the ads in these Life magazines, Weight Watchers went heavy on the copy for this 10 year anniversary advertisement. They provided a clear headline—"Weight Watchers celebrates ten years that changed the shape of the world"—humorous when you think about it, and then gave readers five paragraphs of information. It's quite a bit of content so heres the gist of it: First column, paragraph one: Says the 10 year anniversary is "next May" (May 1973) and readers can celebrate by starting WW now instead of later. First column, paragraph two: "Millions of Members," WW is showing off its success and authority as a weight loss system. Second column, paragraph one: explanation of the three-in-one plan and how it works, plus the "bonus...